Minggu, 01 April 2012

Safe Driving Tricks for Women

Lately, many incidents of accidents that make a scene. And by coincidence of several events have in common that the average driver is a woman. Well, referring to the accident happens, a lot of causes that can be the background of the accident.
One thing that may sound insignificant, but it is the biggest factor in road accidents that tired.
Basically, driving is an activity that demands a high concentration so that when there are emergencies that require us to perform a quick response, we are able to think quickly to determine what to do. Appropriate response can typically occur when we are in prime condition, so that they can think clearly and calmly and knowledge of driving we have seen so far can we automatically remembered, and not easy to panic.

Here are driving tips for women:
  1. Drive at a time when our bodies in top condition, not outside the normal hours of our biological work.
  2. Do not force driving when drowsy. Should take time to rest before the new drive after the condition has been re-fit.
  3. Arm yourself with knowledge of safe driving, so it knows what to do when faced with emergency situations.
  4. Get to know the character of the vehicle used. Because different types of vehicles or a different type of drive wheels, the vehicle treatment will also differ.
  5. Avoid driving while doing other activities, such as calling (although using the bluetooth / handsfree) for holding the handset instead of the activity was disturbing, but the concentration is disturbed, which often makes the driver off guard.
  6. Drive at a safe level. Either speed or distance to other vehicles in front of us.
  7. Do regular maintenance, to avoid undesirable events, such as for example the brakes because the brake fluid discharged from tension. Or tire burst due to lack of wind or tire pressure is up / bald.
  8. Planning a trip time, so no hurry. Late, hunted by time, will lead the driver to drive at higher speeds and maneuvers that endanger others, such as taking the emergency lane on the highway toll.
  9. Be aware, that riding is an activity that involves a lot of other people around us. If we are not prepared with knowledge of driving and not driving responsibly, will result in harm to the driver or other road users. So, Drive Safely.

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