Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Health Problems Can Be Seen from Butt Conditions

Almost all women crave big ass. Moreover, it seems men are crazy about a woman with a butt like this. But this is not just a matter of appearance, because in fact it could be an indicator ass person's health condition. Indicator of what is meant? following his presentation

1. Diabetes and heart health
Buttocks, thighs and hips are large is an indicator of good health because they are able to ensnare fatty acids and protects the body from various health problems.
However, in women, this was reinforced by the ownership of the hormone estrogen. That is why women are less frequently affected by a heart attack, not because of the protection of this hormone. "But when they enter menopause and hormones changing composition, fat tends to accumulate in their bodies and encourage the emergence of the risk of diabetes and heart disease, as well as men,".

2. Piles
If you ever see a trickle of blood during bowel movements or painful when sitting for a long time, this could be due to the blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum you swell and become inflamed, or commonly referred to as hemorrhoids (piles). Fortunately, this condition is found in people aged 50 years. Usually triggered by constipation and straining too hard during bowel movements. This means you eat less fiber, obesity or overweight.

3. Folliculitis
Folliculitis is not a strange skin disease. Just looks like acne, but there is no 'rice' at the end and it is on the buttocks and upper thighs, although it can be found in other body parts. The cause may be due to bacterial or fungal infection of clothing and sensitive skin.

4. The strength of back and leg muscles
Ass that looks slump could be a sign of the core muscles (core muscle) are weak. Pilates expert from New York, Erika Bloom reveals the back part in helping to stabilize the spine. But when they are weakened, then this will change the shape of the back to the buttocks of a person.

Likewise, when the hips appear thicker. The problem can be traced from the foot, because the weak leg muscles resulting in femur becomes prominent, and thus also appear thicker hips.

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