Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Explain Spontaneous Erections in The Morning

For men, an erection is not always associated with lust. In the morning, erection can occur spontaneously without any sexual stimulation. Be thankful for, but not infrequently also complained therefore difficult to pee.

Indeed, in a state of male erectile tend difficulty urinating due to bladder channel narrows. Whereas in the morning, the bladder is generally in a state of full and urgent to be emptied. What can I say, the men sometimes have to wait for the erection to subside.
Various causes spontaneous erections in the morning is as follows.

1. The sign is still 'normal'
If a man does not or rarely experience spontaneous erections in the morning, then there is a need to watch the reproductive system. Various studies have linked these conditions with the risk of erectile dysfunction or more popular with the term impotence.

Spontaneous erections in the morning can also be used to estimate the causes of erectile dysfunction. If a man hard erection during intercourse with a partner, but still get an erection in the morning, chances are the problem is on the psychological side. It could be due to stress, it could be due to inferior or intimidated by the couple.

2. Mechanism prevent bedwetting
Aka pee wetting often occurs during sleep as a child. When male puberty, is increasingly rare occurrence. Ever thought that these changes are related to the erection in the morning?

One theory, morning erections occur because the bladder in full condition. As a result, the nervous system in the spine under pressure. Activity on one of the nerves causing increased blood flow to the penis, causing an erection. Automatic when erect, urinary tract narrowed so that the smaller the risk of bedwetting

3. Part of the dream phase
In fact, spontaneous erections do not occur only in the morning. Throughout the night, penile erections without realizing it. Each of which lasted between 25-35 minutes. Scientists say, this condition occurs due to changes in the dream phase to the REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

4. erotic dream
Although largely due to other causes, it is not possible fraction of spontaneous erections linked with erotic fantasies. This occurs when a wet dream. Ejaculation that occurs when wet dream preceded with an erection, which could have occurred shortly before waking up for some reason.

5. It will disappear by itself
Generally, there is nothing to worry about when experiencing spontaneous erections in the morning. This condition will go away by itself within 20-30 minutes, or can be accelerated by performing physical activities such as making the bed, if it was in a hurry. After that, the penis can be used to urinate smoothly.

Conversely, a man actually having to worry if never experienced spontaneous erections in the morning.

Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

It Causes Car Brake Blong

Brake failure is one of the biggest causes of accidents in addition to driver drowsiness and other causes. Therefore, knowing the cause of the malfunctioning brakes must be done.

Such events, can be prevented. Way too easy.

The causes vary, ranging from brake fluid runs out (in passenger vehicles), to canvas and piston brakes are broken, then what is the cause brake failure? there are four main causes.
First pistons and brake pads have worn out due to aging. As a result, no grip brake again when used. Therefore, it is advisable to perform a second inspection of components that after the car a distance of 10,000 kilometers.

Second, brake fluid hose is clogged. Generally, using a passenger car braking system with brake fluid pressure of the fluid in the braking mechanism. Therefore, the condition of the brake fluid and oil hoses are small very important to note

Often uncapped tube brake fluid can cause dirt into the dirt can clog the tube and hose. Consequently braking function does not function properly.

Another cause is, the master piston seal wear. There are a number of causes other than age, the quality of brake fluid that is not good because it was stale or as contaminated as a result of frequent unscrew the oil tube.

It is therefore recommended to drain and replace the brake fluid every every six months or once a year maximum.

The third addition to that, the temperature factors also affect the quality of the brake fluid. The oil has been changed from the conditions which should greatly affect the braking power press when done.

Weight Loss Can Start of Bathroom

Exercise regularly and measured, as well as proper nutrition is a key condition for success in an attempt to lose weight. If it is fulfilled, then other means should be done to optimize the effort.

Shower with cold water can be called to help slimming. In a book entitled 'Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Uncoupling Is Associated With Cold Induced Adaptive Thermogenesis', adjustment of body temperature in the bath can affect changes in fat metabolism.

Some steps that can be done to optimize fat burning from the bathroom is as follows, summarized from Livestrong, Monday (01/26/2015).

1. Start with warm water
Adjust the water temperature to be used for bathing. Could begin with warm water if you like, to finish the ritual clean body. This step is necessary so that the body is not surprised by the sudden temperature cold.

2. Slowly, cool water
Slowly, begin to cool the temperature of water used for bathing. If using a shower, put in the middle between the hot and cold. Began to feel cold, but still cold, refreshing. Let your body adjust to changes in temperature.

3. More cool again
If earlier still in the cold and heat, now begin to regulate the temperature of the water in order to really feel the cold. Let the cold water flow through the body for 30-60 seconds, so that the body is ready to start burning fat tissue.

4. Refrigerate up to a maximum
Prepare yourself for the coldest temperatures. In the early days, the chill will be felt bite but is a point that is to be expected. Let the body is under the splash of cold water. Shoulders, neck, and the back is where the majority of brown fat (brown fat) buried.

5. Allow the body to adapt
For 30 seconds, your body will adapt so as not to feel cold again. Most probably will begin to enjoy, but if not stronger sure to last for at least 30 seconds to be able to feel the difference.

6. Repeat 2-3 times a day
To obtain a more optimal fat burning, repeat the ritual bath of cold water 2-3 times a day. It only took a little portion of brown fat to get a significant impact on the metabolism. But certainly, do not leave the diet and exercise.

Health Problems Can Be Seen from Butt Conditions

Almost all women crave big ass. Moreover, it seems men are crazy about a woman with a butt like this. But this is not just a matter of appearance, because in fact it could be an indicator ass person's health condition. Indicator of what is meant? following his presentation

1. Diabetes and heart health
Buttocks, thighs and hips are large is an indicator of good health because they are able to ensnare fatty acids and protects the body from various health problems.
However, in women, this was reinforced by the ownership of the hormone estrogen. That is why women are less frequently affected by a heart attack, not because of the protection of this hormone. "But when they enter menopause and hormones changing composition, fat tends to accumulate in their bodies and encourage the emergence of the risk of diabetes and heart disease, as well as men,".

2. Piles
If you ever see a trickle of blood during bowel movements or painful when sitting for a long time, this could be due to the blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum you swell and become inflamed, or commonly referred to as hemorrhoids (piles). Fortunately, this condition is found in people aged 50 years. Usually triggered by constipation and straining too hard during bowel movements. This means you eat less fiber, obesity or overweight.

3. Folliculitis
Folliculitis is not a strange skin disease. Just looks like acne, but there is no 'rice' at the end and it is on the buttocks and upper thighs, although it can be found in other body parts. The cause may be due to bacterial or fungal infection of clothing and sensitive skin.

4. The strength of back and leg muscles
Ass that looks slump could be a sign of the core muscles (core muscle) are weak. Pilates expert from New York, Erika Bloom reveals the back part in helping to stabilize the spine. But when they are weakened, then this will change the shape of the back to the buttocks of a person.

Likewise, when the hips appear thicker. The problem can be traced from the foot, because the weak leg muscles resulting in femur becomes prominent, and thus also appear thicker hips.

Note Expression Couple First Night Not To Make Trauma

Newlyweds are certainly expecting her first night ended satisfactory to both parties, both wife and husband. But not a few couples who actually traumatized after the first night.

Trauma is often the case in the new bride who does not have information about sexual education that is enough. As a result, one of the pair will be afraid or refuse if asked to have sex at a later date.

Trauma can be short-term trauma, it could be a long-term trauma. Short-term trauma usually resolved when couples have sexual openness, so that communication about intimate relationships can walk without feeling awkward.

But if couples equally uninformed as well not have good communication, that trauma is happening could be lengthy.

Should indeed couples who want to get married first counseling. So getting the right information at the same sexual sexual communication training. Sexual communication is important to know the wishes of each pair, so do not cause misunderstanding especially trauma.

However, if the couple is too shy to express it, one of the parties must be able to capture what they want through its communication partner non-verbal. The husband should be able to pay attention to facial expressions and gestures of his wife, and vice versa.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

Starbucks Switch to be a Technology Company?

Starbucks seems to want to turn away from the coffee retailer into technology companies. There is a possibility Starbucks will appoint a new boss.

This coffee shop franchise has just recruited a veteran technology to become the new director of operations. He is the former CEO of Juniper Networks simultaneously executives at Microsoft also IBM, Kevin Johnson.

This indicates the seriousness to be a giant Starbucks mobile payment iPay can compete with Apple, PayPal, Google Wallet, and Square.

As quoted by CNN, Sunday (25/01/2015), in a conference call with the analysts, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz praised Johnson's experience in the mobile and digital industry.

In fact, the word 'mobile' is pronounced as much as 34 times in the event, the amount equal to the word 'coffee' he says.

Recruitment Johnson is predicted to be the first step Starbucks to choose a new CEO. The news about the fall of Schultz of Starbucks leadership seats have been circulating in the market participants.

Director of Operations at Starbucks before, Troy Alstead, intends to take a sabbatical. Alstead is the old man who predicted to replace Schultz led Starbucks.

When Schultz left the company in 2000, Starbucks experiencing difficult times with poor financial performance. Until 2008, Schultz returned to the company and to improve the situation.

Therefore, it is important for Starbucks to have a capable leader who could replace Schultz after he retires.

Keeping Skin Tight Fixed and Free Acne, Use Ice Cubes

Oily and large pores can trigger acne. To take care of her just use ice cubes. The coldness of ice cubes can make pores smaller. This can help the face look more fresh. Facial treatments with a simple way of making effective use of new ice face fresh and toned skin.

1. Shrink pores
Ice cubes can help ecilkan clicking facial pores. Gently massage the face with ice cubes, it helps tighten the skin so the pores will shrink. Try this method twice a week and see the changes.

2. Reduce Acne
Ice cubes can help shrink the pores on the skin so as to reduce the appearance of acne. Before cleaning the face, rinse your face with warm water to open the pores. After that clean the face and rinse with water or iced to close the pores so that the face remains clean.

3. Overcoming sunburn
When the face is exposed to sunlight often look red and feel hot. Overcome this situation with ice cubes. Put a small box-shaped ice cubes in a clean cloth and tap-tap on the face to make the face feel cooler.

4. Prevent Aging
In addition to lots of eating healthy foods, ice cubes can also prevent aging embantu m. Facial with ice cubes can improve blood circulation in the face while. Every now and then a massage to facilitate the circulation and prevent wrinkles.

Ovarian Cancer is Often Not Detected

Ovarian cancer or ovarian cancer is one of the most vicious cancer that strikes women. In fact, experts say that the mortality of ovarian cancer patients is very high, reaching 69 percent.

Dr. Sven MAHNER, Associate Professor for Gynecologic Oncology at the University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf, Germany, said that one of the reasons why so deadly ovarian cancer patients is much too late to get treatment. This is difficult because early detection of ovarian cancer. If one would expect tumors were detected in the ovaries, you should immediately do the operation. Dr. Sven explains that many studies that prove that people with ovarian cancer have a life expectancy higher if treatment is done early.

In stage I, the life expectancy of patients within the next 5 years up to 98 percent. This is different from when diiidap ovarian cancer patients has grown and reached stage 4. Life expectancy also fell dramatically to the remaining 20 percent.

"This is due to the spread of cancer cells, no longer only in the ovary (ovarian). If you still have stage I cancer cells only in the ovaries and can be treated by removal of the ovaries. In stage II usually cancer cells have spread to the pelvis, stage III to abdominal and stage IV was out of the abdomen. Obviously, the treatment is more difficult, "he said.

Negative Effects Stress Can interfere Sexual Function

The burden of work, family responsibilities, and social relations problems are examples of things that are a common source of stress a person. In various studies, this stress has been a lot of evidenced associated with health problems including in of whom sexual problems.

Start of eliminating passion to more serious problems such as infertility, here are the effects that can be caused by stress on a person's sexual life.

1. Passion Down
Even mild stress can affect a person's sexual arousal. According to a study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior, stress hormone cortisol can inhibit the function of testosterone in charge increase sex drive in men. With low testosterone levels normal person would be more reluctant to engage in sexual activity or take a longer time to 'heat up' passion.

2. Reduce Satisfaction
In women too long to feel the stress can affect more than the decrease arousal. The hormone oxytocin which makes sense of fun while doing activities such as foreplay before sex can be reduced due to stress as evidenced by a study in the journal Hormones and Behavior. The hormone oxytocin is reduced to make women become not feel that stimulate pleasure when doing activities such as hugging or kissing. This can lead to sexual experience less enjoyable.

3. Hard Orgasm
When the levels of the hormone oxytocin is down due to stress and sexual pleasure also reduced, the body becomes relaxed during intercourse. The body is not relaxed to make women become more difficult to enjoy sex so hard orgasm felt. Researchers say this may be the reason why many women fake orgasm when he was in no mood to make love.

4. Reduce the fertility of women
Stress hormones have a severe impact on a woman's reproductive cycle. Pituitary gland that regulates other important glands such as the thyroid, adrenals, and ovaries can be affected by stress hormones to make the menstrual cycle becomes irregular. Because menstruation messy or even stop, the fertile period becomes difficult to estimate and pregnancy was too difficult to achieve.

5. Reduce the quality of sperm
The study, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility showed that stress can increase the likelihood that a low concentration of sperm in each ejaculation. In addition to the low numbers, the sperm of men who stress also found it easier to die. Researchers say there are two possible causes. Firstly stress triggers the production of glucocorticoids hormones that suppress testosterone and lead to reduced sperm production. The second possibility is a stress hormone causes what is called oxidative stress also affects the poor quality of semen and fertility.

Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

Preventing Damage Hydrolock
When floods hit happens when it rains the earth, the possibility of hydrolock the engine died suddenly due to water entering the combustion chamber, high. However, more severe engine damage can be prevented if you act quickly and carefully.

Preventive measures to avoid cases that would break through the flood. Especially if the puddle reaches more than half of car tires or reach the hood.

But if you could not move anymore because the situation is not possible, so the car is submerged, then immediately turn off the engine. Then unplug the electrical cord or battery, to avoid shorting the engine control section.

If you want to re-start the engine, it must be ensured that water has entered into the engine combustion chamber or cylinder has been removed. Combustion chamber should really have a clean and dry.

Make sure the engine control unit (ECU) has actually function. If not, then the cost to restore a very large because all parts must be replaced.

Fingers Can Make Wife Makin Pumped

Various ways can be done to make the husband to the wife remains passionate in bed. One of them is by using a finger. What can be done?

Following stimulation can be done fingers husbands to make more passionate wife in bed.

1. Search his body
"Not a tickle, but give light and intense pressure throughout her body slowly. Then, at the end of the new foreplay time you touch the most sensitive wife's body for instance the clitoris or nipples". Do not forget to communicate with his wife because there are some parts of her body that it feels uncomfortable when you touch it.

2. Touching lips
This way you can do while performing oral sex to his wife. By touching lips, it will make it more relaxed and easier to reach orgasm. This method also can show that you enjoy oral sex that you do for him. Another way you can do is squeeze wife's hand aimed at getting closer to you psychologically.

3. Holding his face while kissing wife
"Holding his face or gently gripping his head with your fingers to make his wife feel safe and comfortable while kissing you. Besides, it also can bring you both".

4. Play the hair while performing oral sex wife
Not grabbed her hair and regulate the movement of the wife, but the husband could do the hair gently caressing his wife when she was performing oral sex for you. "It could describe your empathy when he performs oral sex, then by touching the hair follicles will gives sensation to the wife".

5. Write a note sexy
Needless to record length, quite a few sentences. "For example, say you love him or thank you for last night, it was amazing. Words like that can make more confident and wife must feel what he did really enjoy and appreciate,"

Attractive Female Buttocks For Men, Scientific

In addition to the breast, buttocks could be part of a woman who is often considered the men. Mentioned, what do these men were to be natural.

"It's not new. It is primitive. Therefore, from the time of the ancestors, men tend to notice the breasts, hips, waist and buttocks as it relates to fertility".

Humans will be as much as possible to find a woman who can 'breed' well. If someone has a butt that caecal, primitive signal will be sent to the brain that the posterior caecal generally filled with fat and makes it possible to reproduce well.

When the buttocks look round, could be said of men think that women like it is 'seed' good. Although, keep in mind that the ease of couples have children affected by many factors.

Meanwhile, a man's interest in the buttocks, especially after they get married women could be because there are factors thought that 'naughty' and a sense of release. Therefore, buttocks become one of the interesting parts of the female body that is generally preferred men.

"So when they have sex, it could be the man to feel that they are no longer prohibited chance to touch the buttocks of his wife. Many ways you can do to satisfy their passion".

"At least, buttocks have a role when you are in bed and could certainly be an attraction for men. However, you do not need to change what is already owned just for the sake of having a big butt because he's on your attention is not solely due to a sexy butt"

Tooth Brush Before Bed Often Forgot? This Result
To maintain healthy teeth, it is recommended to regularly brush your teeth at least a minimum of two times a day: after breakfast and before bed. However, many consider this habit lightly.

Though brushing your teeth at night before going to bed is very important and gives a very good effect for healthy teeth and mouth.

If on the day you touch the right gear at the gum line then you will find something that is sticky and that plaque. The plaque accumulates over eating and drinking activities you do throughout the day.

Well, brushing teeth can 'repel' bacteria and plaque so that it does not accumulate. If you forget to brush your teeth before bed and let the megrim accumulate overnight, then the bacteria will attack your teeth.

"Plus plaque will form tartar, which can cause inflammation and bleeding of the gums," he continued.

Meanwhile, correct brushing is not merely about the frequency that often, but rather the brushing technique and time. It is important to change the habit of brushing teeth into the morning after breakfast and at night before bed.