Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Ethics Twittering on Twitter and In Facebook Status

What are the ethics of making status on Facebook and tweet on Twitter?
For questions, actually quite the two sentences. Which is "think before posting" and "wise while online". Essentially, do not feel that because of Facebook and Twitter it is our personal accounts, then we can go around just installed a status or tweet.

In the online era, what we post on the Internet will forever be immortal and can not be deleted just like that. Maybe one day we had to post something on the Internet is not good, then we rush to remove it.

But we will not know exactly that there is no one who could read it, copy it or even forward them to others. Whatever we post on the Internet, will be a historical record of ourselves for the future.

When later we entered the world of work, then the record will be very open ourselves to the Internet. So, do not carelessly posting. Especially if the content of our posts to offend the honor or dignity of others.

Our intentions might be joking, or just vent their frustration, but others could be offended and you bring an up to court. It will record our lifetime. And most importantly, do not post things that could harm us or our families.

For example, to post things that are privacy, confidential self / family, home address or other things that are even in offline any time you do not want to say this to just anyone.

So yes remember the key phrase, "think before posting" and "wise while online".

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