Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

OSN Tingkat Nasional 19-24 Mei 2015

Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) 2015 resmi dibuka hari ini. OSN ke-14 kali ini secara resmi dibuka oleh Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Menengah Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud), Achmad Jazidie, bersama Gubernur Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.

OSN merupakan salah satu agenda tahunan penting dari Kemendikbud. Secara konsisten dilaksanakan secara bergiliran di daerah-daerah sejak tahun 2002.

Penyelenggaraan OSN bertujuan untuk menumbuhkembangkan kecintaan para peserta didik akan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Ke depan, diharapkan penerapannya dapat bermanfaat bagi lingkungan dan masyarakat. "Event (kegiatan) ini juga dirancang dalam rangka mempersiapkan peserta didik terbaik dan terpilih untuk mengikuti berbagai ajang olimpiade sains murni dan terapan tingkat internasional.

OSN yang mengambil tema Olimpiade Sains Nasional Membangun Manusia Tangguh, Mandiri, dan Penuh Percaya Diri serta Berintegritas kali ini akan berlangsung pada 19-24 Mei 2015. OSN 2015 diikuti 2.562 partisipan yang terdiri dari peserta lomba, pendamping, pembina, orang tua, guru, dewan juri, dan pantia pusat serta panitia daerah. Dia mengatakan, para peserta didik akan berlomba di bidang sains dan teknologi yang meliputi matematika, fisik, kimia, biologi, komputer, kebumian, astronomi, geografi, dan ekonomi.

Ada dua OSN yang berlangsung pada bulan Mei 2015, yaitu OSN untuk jenjang SD/Sederajat dan SMA/Sederajat yang diselenggarakan di Yogyakarta dan OSN untuk jenjang SMP/Sederajat diselenggarakan di Palu, Sulawesi Tengah.

Aplikasi BBM Mod Berbagai Versi

Ada saja otak-otak dari anak-anak untuk berinovasi, mungkin salah satunya berinovasi yaitu karena yang dilihat monoton, gx menarik..hahaha
Berikut ini aplikasi BBM yang di utak atik sama anak-anak indonesia yaitu Aplikasi Messengger BBM MOD dengan berbagai versi.. silahkan download aplikasi BBM MOD cekidot :v

Pemuda Terhina Di Bumi, Dilangit Termahsyur

Diangkat dari sebuah kisah nyata terjadi di zaman Rasulullah SAW. Suatu hari hiduplah seorang pemuda yang tinggal dengan seorang ibunya yang menderita penyakit lumpuh total. Setiap harinya pemuda ini harus mengurusi ibunya, memberi makan, memandikan, membersihkan kotoran ibunya, dan semua kebutuhan sang ibu. Dikarenakan ibunya sudah lumpuh total hingga tak bisa bergerak, dan pemuda inilah yang terus mengurusi ibu kandungnya itu. 

Untuk mencukupi kebutuhan mereka sehari harinya, pemuda itu pun harus bekerja sebagai buruh dan pembatu atau budak pada masa itu. Namun tidak ada satu pun yang bersedia menerima pemuda itu, lantaran pemuda itu miskin, kusut, bau dan ditambah lagi ia menderita penyakit kusta dikedua tangannya. Sampai pada akhirnya ada yang mau menerimanya bekerja itu pun hanya sebagai buruh pengangkat susu sapi.

Sepintas tidak ada hal yang istimewa didalam diri pemuda paruh baya ini. Hari harinya hanya sibuk mengurusi ibunya dan disela sela waktu saat ibunya tertidur, ia pun bergegas untuk pergi bekerja mencari kebutuhan untuk keperluan pengobatan ibunya. Hanya ada satu hal yang menjadi kebiasaan si pemuda ini, pemuda ini selalu ingin sekali bertemu dengan Baginda Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW. Tapi mimpinya itu pun tak pernah kesampaian, lantaran ia tidak bisa meninggalkan ibunya sendirian dirumah walau sehari pun. 

Rumah tempat mereka tinggal itu sangatlah terasing, bahkan jauh dari pemukiman atau perkampungan warga. Itu dikarenakan mereka diusir oleh penduduk setempat karena penyakit kusta yang dideritanya itu dianggap berbahaya dan menular. Akhirnya pemuda itu pun harus tinggal bersama ibunya ditempat yang jauh dari kehidupan warga. Tak seorang warga pun yang mau memperthatikan mereka, karena mereka takut, akan tertular penyakit kusta.

Sampai suatu hari, begitu kepinginnya ia bertemu Rasulullah, ia pun menekatkan diri untuk meninggalkan ibunya yang sedang sakit dan pergi menjumpai Rasulullah SAW yang rumahnya berjarak cukup jauh untuk perjalanan kaki. Setelah lebih dari 80 km kurang lebih berjalan, hati dan perasaan pemuda itu pun tidak enak, ia terus menerus memikirkan kondisi dan keadaan ibunya yang sedang sakit dirumah. Semakin ia ingin bertemu Rasul, maka perasaan bersalah karena meninggalkan ibunya pun terus semakin berat. Air matanya terus mengalir selama diperjalanan yang jauh dan tanpa makan dan minum. Tujuannya hanya satu, hanya ingin melihat wajah Rasul, untuk sekali saja.

Namun apa daya, ketika pemuda itu hampir sampai di negeri dimana Rasul tinggal. Ia pun tiba tiba mengubah haluan dan berbalik menyusul ibunya. Tak kuasa menahan tangis, dan merasa berdosa, ia pun lari sekuat tenaga untuk pulang dan menyusul ibunya dirumah. Setelah lebih dari 3 jam berlari, ia pun sampai dirumah dan mendapatkan ibunya telah wafat atau meninggal dunia. Ia pun menangis sejadi jadinya, rasa bersalah terus menyelimuti pikiran dan perasaan pemuda itu. Hingga akhirnya ia pergi menemui warga untuk mengabarkan kepergian ibunya kepada warga.

Ia menemui warga untuk meminta tolong membantu memakamkan dan menguburkan jenazah ibunya, tapi tak seorang warga pun yang mau menolong pemuda itu. Hingga dengan derai air mata, ia sendiri yang mengurusi jenazah ibunya, memandikan, mengafankan, dan menguburkan ibunya. Didalam beberapa ceramahNya, Rasul SAW pernah berpesan kepada para sahabatNya bahwa, mintalah ilmu dan nasihat kehidupan dari salah seorang pemuda di negeri sebrang yang bernama "Uwais Al - Qarni", kalian akan menemuinya kelak. Lihatlah tanda dikedua tangannya ada bekas penyakit kusta.

Sontak para sahabatpun terkejut dan heran, karena mereka tahu bahwa Rasul SAW belum pernah bertemu dengan pemuda itu sebelumnya. Dan sebaliknya pemuda itu pun belum pernah bertemu dengan Rasul sebelumnya. Timbullah rasa penasaran dari para sahabat, amalan apakah yang dimiliki pemuda tersebut, hingga Rasul SAW berpesan agar para sahabat meminta ilmu dan nasihat kehidupan dari pemuda itu.

Tak lama setelah Rasul berpesan, para sahabatpun lalu bergegas pergi kenegeri sebrang dan mencari ciri ciri pemuda yang dimaksudkan oleh Baginda Rasul SAW tersebut. Setelah beberapa hari mencari, akhirnya para sahabat pun berhasil menemui Uwais Al- Qarni pemuda yang dibicarakan oleh Rasul SAW itu. Saat bertemu sahabat mengataan, apakah benar engkau adalah uwais al - qarni ? pemuda itu menjawab, ia benar ! sahabat bertanya lagi, apakah benar dikedua tangamu ada penyakit kusta ? ia menjawab, ia benar ! Para sahabat mengatakan, jika benar engkau adalah orangnya, kami diutus oleh Baginda Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW untuk pergi menemui mu dan meminta ilmu serta nasihat kehidupan. Mohon berikan kami nasihat dan ilmu itu wahai pemuda. Pinta para sahabat, kepadanya.

Sontak, pemuda itu pun terkejut dan heran sembari menahan air matanya. Ia mengatakan, bagaimana bisa aku memberikan ilmu dan nasihat kepada kalian, sementara kalian adalah sahabat Rasul, setiap hari bertemu denganNya. Sementara aku ini hanyalah orang miskin, tak punya apa apa dan aku hanya punya ibu yang kini telah pergi meninggalkanku. Memang aku ingin sekali bertemu langsung dengan Baginda Rasul, tapi mimpiku untuk menemuiNya tak pernah bisa terwujud, karena aku harus mengurusi ibuku setiap harinya. Walaupun aku tahu bahwa aku mungkin tak bisa bertemu dengan Baginda Rasul, tapi aku selalu setia mencoba untuk mengikuti apapun perintah dan ajaranNya tentang islam yang hanya kudengar secara tidak langsung dari orang orang. Karena tak seorang pun mau mengajari pemuda miskin dan berpenyakit seperti aku ini. Itulah yang diungkapkan pemuda itu kepada para sahabat.

Tak lama berselang setelah para sahabat menemui pemuda itu, pemuda itu pun meninggal dunia, karena penyakit yang dideritanya. Saat pemuda itu meninggal, ada kejadian yang sungguh ajaib terjadi. Dimana para warga dan penduduk negeri itu pun terheran heran, karena mereka melihat banyak sekali orang orang yang entah dari mana datangnya berkumpul memadati rumah uwais al- qarni tersebut. Setelah warga penasaran warga pun berduyun duyun pergi kerumah uwais tersebut, mereka melihat banyak sekali orang bahkan hingga ribuan orang berkumpul. Anehnya, bahkan tidak satu orang pun dari ribuan orang orang itu yang mereka kenal.

Warga kampung heran, karena ribuan orang orang yang entah dari mana datangnya ini tadi, mengurusi jenazah uwais, dan menguburkannya lalu mendo'akan jenazah uwais al - qarni." Mungkin para malaikat ALLAH telah turun kebumi menjelma menjadi manusia dan mengurusi jenazah uwais al - qarni. Wallahu' alam".

Inilah sedikit cerita hebat dari kisah nyata hidup Uwais Al - Qarni pemuda yang hidup dizaman Rasul, ingin sekali bertemu dengan Rasul, namun keterbatasannya membuatnya seumur hidup tidak pernah bertemu dengan Rasul hingga ia wafat. Tapi walaupun dirinya tidak sempat bertemu dengan Rasul, ia selalu setia untuk meneladani Rasul, mengikuti seluruh ajaran yang diajarkan Rasul. Walaupun itu hanya ia dapatkan secara tidak langsung dari apa yang ia dengar, apa yang ia lihat, selama ia hidup.

Semoga kepada kita para pembaca sekalian, bisa menjadikan kisah ini tauladan untuk bisa mencitai dan meneladani Rasul seumur hidup kita. Mudah mudahan kita juga bisa belajar dari apa yang telah dibuktikan oleh uwais, walau hari ini kita tidak bisa bertemu langsung dengan Nabi Muhammad SAW, namun kita senantiasa untuk setia, patuh dan menjalankan semua sunnah dan perintahnya untuk beribadah dijalan dan agama yang di Ridhoi oleh ALLAH SWT.

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.23 Final Build 11 Final

What’s new in version 6.23 Final Build 11 Final

(Released: 20 April 2015)
  • Fixed problems with erroneous interceptions of Firefox internal downloads
  • Improved Google Chrome integration
  • Added support for Firefox 38
  • Fixed compatibility problems of Google Chrome extension with Kaspersky Internet Security
  • Fixed a critical bug in IDM network driver
  • Fixed compatibility problems with antiviral and internet security software
  • Improved taking over downloads of videos from web players in Google Chrome
  • Added a feature to change video resolution for rtmp protocol
  • Added support for SeaMonkey 2.33
  • Fixed problems with video/audio recognition for several types of web sites
  • Fixed compatibility problems of Google Chrome extension with several applications
  • Fixed bugs in Chrome integration module
  • Added support for Firefox 37
  • Added support for Google Chrome 42
  • Added support for new types of video streaming sites
  • Fixed bugs
Download IDM

Rabu, 01 April 2015

Meaning Behind How Men Apply!

Will you marry me?If the moment is right, he's certainly not going to wait much longer to declare its seriousness to you to step up to the next level. The moment of this application would be always remembered memories. Start of how nervous he's in front of you, what sentence be his best, and what he brought to be a complement to this application procession. Interestingly, many interesting meanings behind how he proposed to you. Curious? Consider some of the following explanations.

1. He Kneeling in Front of You
Like the scene in the romantic movie, you apply to kneel in a public place supposedly is considered the most dramatic way. Si He is a romantic kind of guy, who does not hesitate reluctant to show it to you. For him just ask "will you marry me?" or not enough. Usually, men who apply while kneeling is very confident that the partner would be willing to marry.

2. Say it with Diamonds
If he proposed to you with a diamond, then you are very important to her. The size of the diamond, not a problem. The thing to remember how he spent time (and money) to give a beautiful ring as a token of his love. This means that she really wants you to start a new life.

3. Requesting Permission Parents
Most men think, that asked directly to their partners, is key in order to move to the next level. Though not necessarily, because for some women, this important decision involves the closest especially families. Not a few men who dared to ask for approval to the prospective in-laws before application. This type of man still uphold customs, and for them the blessing of parents is everything, so that married life will be easier.

Do'nt Shame Sex For Women Fat

Normally, women always want to look sexy and beautiful in the eyes of their partners. Moreover, sexiness and beauty can be a major capital in creating the atmosphere of a hot bed.
But recognized or not, surely most of you are not confident with the body shape you have. You feel that your thighs are too big or your belly sagged. Do not worry ladies, because it turns out there are some sex positions that can make you look sexy no matter what your body shape. Here is a sex position that can accentuate the sexiness of your body.

1.Reverse GOT
To do this position, ask the couple to lie on the bed. Then sit on the body postures backs. Indeed, at first glance this position as the woman on top, but the difference you back to his face. Tuck your feet under the body of the couple to deepen penetration occurs.

2.Electric slide
In the electric slide position, lie down with the stomach below. Then put a pillow under your stomach and lift your pelvis to facilitate penetration. Do not forget to use the elbow as the foundation of your body. When you are getting clenching muscles of the buttocks and put pressure on the biceps, then the sensation that you feel will be more remarkable.

In addition to the woman on top, doggy style is highly favored by the position of women. Because this position can touch their G-spot perfectly. Bonus, you can hide flabby belly of view of your partner. Use both hands to keep the pedestal on penetration by getting stronger.

Spooning is a position that is most convenient for you to indirectly 'dealing' with a partner. But like doggy-style, spooning can make couples explore the G-spot to the maximum so that it can be guessed that this position will definitely make you have an orgasm.

Position ballerina is a modification of the spooning position. To do so, lie sideways like when you both will do spooning. However, this time lifting the outer legs and let your partner do the penetration.

6.Face away
Face away sue your spouse sit in a chair and you then sit on his lap, but to him. The best part when you do this is the position of your hands are both free to explore each other's bodies, especially in sensitive zones.

7.Side by side
This position allows you and your partner to face and see each other's faces. Use your stomach both as a pedestal and then slowly penetrate. Lift one side of your leg if you want to increase the intensity of penetration. Bonus, you can hug and kiss your partner while doing side by side.

It turns out that a distended stomach did not stop desire to fuck you, especially if you do the above position. And you know ladies, that when the actual fuck man not at all concerned with the shape of your body. So for those of you who were infertile, do not be shy to fuck!

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Caring shockbreaker

Shockbreaker be a component of the car is very noteworthy. Judging from its function, this component has a very vital and important function to keep the car stable and in excellent condition.
By Therefore, it does not hurt to always pay attention to the condition and also treat the supporting legs are.

One step that can be done to prevent the damage, which keeps the car is always through a secure way. Or it could be said, always avoid potholes roads. If it is forced to pass through the contours of the road like this, it helps to maintain the speed at a low enough point. By this way, it will greatly help reduce the work that must withstand shocks shockbreaker car.

The next step, ie, by not giving the load exceeds a given standard car manufacturer. It is certainly to adjust the maximum load that can be held by this shockbreaker. Subsequent influence, the impact on the power shockbreaker increasingly sluggish.

Check the protective rubber tube shockbreaker. Rubber is functioning close and keep in a clean state shockbreaker. If it is damaged rubber and dirt sneak into Shockbreaker component, will result in faster wear. Naturally, the main cause is friction in the tube is increasingly eroding the tube wall.

Symptoms Clutch Damaged

Clutch become a vital element, especially for a manual car. Its function is to help shift gears gears, would really need good attention. As to whether this coupling would react if it is damaged?

To know the damage that has occurred, you can recognize the signs on your car. One is when the average round machine goes up. In this case, the normal engine rotation speed reaches 60 km / h on the teeth 3. RPM that could be achieved was only reaching 2000 rpm. If the clutch is damaged, especially on the clutch plate, RPM can go up to 3000 rpm.

The second signal can be felt when the car is through the rise. Usually it will smell of charred sting because the canvas clutch slippage. Worse, the car may not be strong to enter the ramp.

Mark appears next to the heavier engine and roared loudly when will the road. This sign will also be felt when removing the clutch. There is another, usually the speed will rise very slowly. Or worse, the car will not run at all.

Keep The Engine With Spark Plug Condition

Spark Plug does look very trivial. Small form with a price range that is not so expensive, making it sometimes a little spark neglected. But, other than that, one of the fire on the cylinder axis header has considerable opportunities to make ignition engine so problematic.

Because the type and mode of each machine is different car, do not try to replace the spark plug with a spark plug manufacturers European manufacturers of Japan. Or may otherwise. Engine performance will be hampered, or worse still, the machine will actually stop working.

If malpractice plugs are continued, in the long run, the car will get worse with the damage. For the initial period, it may be started from the sensor, the ECU (Engine Control Unit) from less stable and also the components of the cylinder will work began to fall apart.

To restore the machine to normal, certainly not low prices. Because they have to get off the machine about half, it could just be spending fantastic budget. Depending on the type of damage suffered. But, if you are a bit wary and careful, exact price will not be nearly so expensive.

The Workings of a Car Wheel

When on a slippery road conditions due to rain or when passing through muddy streets, car wheels move differently depending on the type of wheel you. There are four types of wheel that you should know, the front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive, all-wheel drive and four wheel drive.

When you first buy a vehicle, you must already know your wheel drive system. However, if you understand how it works? Especially with the electronic traction control system on some of the cars that can automatically intervene in the workings of the wheel when the road is slippery. Well, here is a brief description of how each system works.

Front-wheel drive (FWD)

In this system, power from the engine is channeled to the front drive to accelerate the car. This system is most commonly found on the market because the system is neat able to improve fuel efficiency and save space in the car. Another plus, powertrain load concentrated on the steering wheel so as to produce better traction when the car crossed the road slippery. This system is found in a Chevrolet.

Rear-wheel drive (RWD)

As the name suggests, power transmitted from the engine to the rear wheels to run the vehicle. Khusu for passenger cars, RWD widely used before the invention of the FWD system in the early 1980s. Nevertheless, RWD can more effectively support the performance of the engine and vehicle weights greater. That's why the system is still banyal used in large trucks, large powered vehicles, race cars and police cars.

All-wheel drive (AWD)

Many people still confuse all-wheel drive with four-wheel drive. Although both involve four wheels, but has a design and a different way of working. In general, the power transfer system works by using a system AWD FWD or RWD. Chevrolet AWD system distributes power to the front and rear axles to prevent slippage. Power is channeled automatically via a single-speed transfer case. (Transfer this case is connected to the transmission to divide power to front and rear wheels.) The advantage of AWD is the driver does not have to bother to turn on the system.

AWD to be excellent for drivers who want a car capable of reliable on-road with extra traction to bulldoze grassy paths, mud, sand, gravel and even that is usually made with FWD or RWD car stuck. Chevrolet brings AWD drive system with new technologies in several variants.

Four-wheel drive (4WD or 4x4)
Cars are adapting these systems typically use a two-speed transfer case with high and low ranges for maximum traction. 4WD vehicles are usually operated with a RWD system to the 4WD system is needed. Currently most systems must be activated manually by the driver, the car offers a lot of settings automatically switch to high range during a skid.

These Things Can Destroy Friendships

Love may come and go, but the friendship remains immortal. This expression is not entirely true because friendship can also be ended. Many people who have a strong friendship, but in fact it ended badly.

What makes a good friendship could end up? Here are a few reasons.

1. The Traitor
Betrayal is a thing that can ruin all relationships, not only love but also friendship. Although betrayal of friendship is not related to the affair, but this betrayal can form a lot of things. Suppose that when a friend divulge confidential or stab you from behind. When friends betray, there was no reason to continue your friendship.

2. Not paying attention to friends
Friendship offers a love that has no terms and attention. But if friends do not pay attention to you and did not care, it will cause problems. Friendship also means giving and receiving, if only one party gives, it will make a friendship broken sooner or later.

3. Jealousy
Real friends will not feel jealous of the good things that happen to you. There is no place for jealousy in a relationship, because friends will always feel happy when his friend happy. If your friend is too much store jealousy on the good things that happen to you, sooner or later be broken friendship.

4. Arguments
Arguing is a natural thing for all relationships. Even best friends can fight with us. But note also how often quarrel happened and about what. If the contention is too frequent and not end well, lest you do not fit as a friend. Friendships are constantly overwhelmed contention sooner or later will be destroyed.

5. False Friend
There are many people that we will meet in life, some people offering false friendships. If you have false friends, it's obvious friendship will not last long, and sooner or later must be destroyed.

Those are some things that can undermine your friendship. The above matters will gradually fade and make friendship ended. Be aware of these things in your friendship.

Old male, Try This Sex Position

Age will not make him give up in bed. Although men and women experience changes in sexual desire due to age, each pair still requires physical intimacy to warm relations. However, as we age, whether women or men, would have had difficulty in making love.

While women experience vaginal dryness that makes penetration more difficult and too painful, man can not get an erection strong as when they were young. Well, to keep physical intimacy between couples, here are proven sex positions can satisfy old man.

1. Spooning
If you start to feel uncomfortable with sex positions you normally do when a young couple, you can try spooning position. In this position, he will lie down in the back of a woman during penetration. This position can reduce the pressure of the lower limbs and allow the hands of men to stimulate the erogenous zones other women, such as breast and clitoris.

2. Scissors
Scissors position could be the right choice for older men because it is a position that really intimate and make couples feel more relaxed. In this position, the pair lay facing each other. While women put one foot on the male pelvis.

When the man pulls the woman's buttocks tighten this position, the woman embracing his waist and pushed his feet under to be docked to the foot of man. This position offers a lot of stimulation to the clitoral area.

3. The Spider
If you feel a bit lazy during sex with a partner, this is a very nice position, which can make you and your partner happy for a long time. Please note that this position requires a bit of maneuvering. Start by sitting facing couples and straddle. Then lie down, followed by your partner, until your head is between the legs of each other. Each can lift the knee and holding one another's feet. Now, all you need is to do it slowly and make each other feel horny for a long time.

4. Man Trap
To make sex still burning although no longer young age, you and your wife might try positioning Man Trap. This position makes a woman holding a little control of speed and rhythm during lovemaking.

This position is similar to the missionary position. In this position, let it lie under your wife. When you begin to penetrate, your wife will wrap your legs around it to further stimulate the clitoral area - as she arched her back.

5. Time Bomb
This sex position is quite convenient for men who are elderly. This puts less strain on the legs and back, which makes the moment even more challenging fuck. In this position, the man sitting in a chair, while the women sat facing him. Movement of your legs slowly to achieve the desired climax.

This is the sex positions are shown to satisfy the passion of elderly men.

Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Pubic Hair Shaving Hazardous to Health

Surely everyone who has grown up to be experiencing a change in physical form, one of which is the growth of pubic hair. However, today, in particular the many women who removes her pubic hair either manually or with the waxing method.

Although many studies that say that the pubic hair removal is recommended in order to reduce the moisture level that will become a hotbed of bacteria, other studies mention that in total or shaving pubic hair disappears it will increase a person's risk of disease in the genitals.

"Pubic hair or grow it there certainly has a reason. Eliminate a total of pubic hair or fur is harmful to health."

Eliminating around pubic hair can increase the risk of infection because of the hair-bearing skin could be damaged and cause microscopic injuries.

When the skin is injured, then the bacteria will be easier to get in and a person can be exposed to soft tissue infections. Even someone who has shaved her pubic hair or eliminate highly susceptible to herpes infection.

Therefore, it is advisable if you really want to shave pubic hair, then it should not be eliminated in full.

Loneliness For Fast People Dead

A recent study revealed that alone or feel alone can increase the risk of premature death by 30 persen.Seseorang will have a long life if you have a good relationship. But also review about the fact that there are people who still feel lonely despite surrounded by many people. Another factor considered is the age and disease. Although it refers to the facts about the benefits of friendship and human relationships.

In conclusion, having friends and a strong social relationships will help you live longer and live better. People all over the world even try to avoid loneliness with some unique ways.

Location Sex That Appears When Fantasize

In addition to sex positions, locations lovemaking is also one important thing that appears when fantasize. Well, here is the place that most frequently appear in fantasy sex.

1. Beach
The beach becomes one place that has been chosen to spend a moment of honeymoon. Besides known exotic, also presents a beautiful view of the beach which is very tempting to share with loved ones. Therefore, the beach is also becoming one of the most frequently appearing in sexual fantasy. The beach presents a fresh gust of wind, the heat that makes hot but soothing, and the waves that make anyone brought in a romantic atmosphere.

2. Workspace
Workspace into one place that appears in the sex fantasy. Atmosphere workspace neat makes some people fantasize about how much fun sex in there. Scenes making out in the office are also often found in the scene-scene movie. It also makes some people feel curious about how the sensation of sex in the office.

3. The Kitcgen
The kitchen is also one of the locations that often arise in sexual fantasy. In addition to offering different intimacy, the kitchen became one of the romantic locations that often appear in the movie love scene. Since everyone has a different fantasy in sex, the kitchen may be a challenge to achieve sexual satisfaction.

4. The Pool
The pool is also one of the locations that often arise in sexual fantasy. In addition to offering a sexy impression, pool also serves fuck challenging locations. Scenes making out in the pool are also often portrayed in romantic movie scene-scene. Which then makes some people feel curious to feel the sensation.

5. Forest
Forest presents tranquility and stunning natural scenery. The beauty of the forest seems to have led some people to imagine the forest as the most fun place to fuck. Forests also provide intimacy that feels nice to spend with loved ones. Therefore, the forest is often described as a romantic place for an adventure with friends.

Early Signs of Heart Trouble One of Them is Premature Ejaculation

Heart disease or heart attack is considered as a silent killer diseases or hidden deadly disease. Because attacks often come suddenly without giving you a visible disease symptoms. Of course it is very dangerous because you were not warned in advance.

Actually, if you are sensitive to the state of your body, the body has sent some signals that a symptom of heart disease. One of them is premature ejaculation. The ability of a person to have sex it can be a sign of a healthy or not their heart.

"When a man has an erection on their genitals, certainly needed a good blood circulation in the blood vessels in the penis area. The arteries around the penis is smaller and very sensitive to small perturbations along the flow of blood. When the condition of your blood circulation is not prime, of erection just happens not optimal. And this is not the maximum capability can lead to premature ejaculation if you let it.

"While the blood circulation is very dependent on the health of the heart as the center of circulation. When your heart is not healthy, then the entire system of the body that requires blood flow could not walk properly." Even a man in his 40s who experience premature ejaculation at risk as much as 50 times more likely to have a heart attack over the next 10 years. "

Furthermore, the study says men should be more sensitive to the health of their bodies and do not ignore any symptoms that arise particularly in relation to health of their genitals. One of the easiest ways to maintain healthy blood circulation is to run a healthy lifestyle, including by not smoking. Because cigarette able to seize the smooth circulation of your blood. Do not get distracted when the health of your body, then your sex life is also affected.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 Full - Reloaded

Finally one of the most anticipated games this year also officially release. This game is Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 or more popularly referred to as PES 2015 fans football game you definitely can not wait to immediately download and play the game PS 2015 in your computer or laptop. PES 2015 game has graphics and gameplay is also much better than its predecessor PES 2014. So you ought to immediately download PES 2015 is now well and quickly installed into your computer or laptop.

Single Link

How to Install PES 2015 Full:
  1. Download and extract the zip file you downloaded from the link we have provided below.
  2. Mount ISO files extracted using software power ISO or daemon tools.
  3. Install the game as usual
  4. After the installation is completed, please open the crack folder and copy and paste all the files that are in the crack folder to the game installation folder PES 2015.
  5. Select the copy and replace.
  6. Play the game PES 2015 from the exe file paste the copied earlier.

Latest IDM 6:23 Final Build 8 Full Version

As we know that the IDM is the best software which can be used to speed up the process of downloading files on the Internet. Files that can be downloaded using the IDM is a wide variety of file types ranging from audio, video, and also files of software or games. You are happy to download videos from youtube also can now easily download your favorite videos from youtube using this IDM software.

Download Latest IDM 6:23 Final Build 8 Full Version
Software  Patch

How to Install IDM:
  1. Download and extract the file "Final 6:23 IDM Build 8 Full Version"
  2. Then install the IDM software it as usual. After the installation is completed do not always open the program. (For those of you that have previously been installed IDM, IDM his first uninstall the new install it again with this latest IDM).
  3. Run the patch by right click and select run as administrator
  4. Click patch
  5. Then copy and paste also IDMGrHlp.exe files to C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Internet Download Manager
  6. It'S Done
What's new in version IDM Build 8 Final 6:23 :
  • Fixed a critical bug in the IDM network drivers
  • Fixed compatibility problems with antiviral and internet security software
  • Improved taking over downloads of videos from web players in Google Chrome
  • Added a feature to change video resolution for rtmp protocol
  • Added support for SeaMonkey 2:33
  • Fixed problems with video / audio recognition for Several types of web sites
  • Fixed compatibility problems of the Google Chrome extension with Several applications
  • Fixed bugs in Chrome integration module
  • Added support for Firefox 37
  • Added support for Google Chrome 42
  • Added support for new types of video streaming sites
  • Fixed bugs

Rainmeter Latest 3.2.2384 Final

Rainmeter is a desktop software that can make us into a PC is cool. With this software we can add some cool gadgets to be displayed on the desktop PC. It will certainly make a desktop computer or laptop becomes much cooler than before.

Features Rainmeter:
  • Freeform skins
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  • Has ability to hide on mouse over
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  • Multiple skins can be ran at the same time
  • Can be controlled from 3rd party applications with! Bangs
Rainmeter 3.2 Final can measure:
  • CPU load
  • allocated Memory
  • network Traffic
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  • Free disk space

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USB Safely Remove is an application that can mereject flash, cardreader, or other portable devices safely. There must have friends who have experienced when trying to eject a very difficult portable devices, even appearing warnings which must make friends misgivings.

Link Download 

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Whos On My WiFi Ultimate 2.1.9 Full

Whos On My WiFi Ultimate 2.1.9 Full is a tool to scan your Wifi network against unknown intruders on your PC network with your internal network. Whos On My WiFi Ultimate 2.1.9 Full will show every computer on the network, and warns you if it detects that the computer does not priznaet. This one application enables you to protect your network from the drop speed Internet, hackers and computer that you are not allowed to use your connection.


Technitium MAC Address Changer 6.0.6 For Windows 7

Technitium MAC Address Changer is a new application that allows you to change the MAC address very easily and quickly. For those of you who rarely perform online activities may MAC Address is not important to you, perhaps even you, some of you who are familiar with the term new MAC Address of this. Briefly MAC address is a unique identifier for each network card installed in your computer or laptop, switch, router, or access point. So in general, each computer has only one or two MAC addresses only.


Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

BBM Users Can Make Your Own Custom PIN

Many things are happening in the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2015 yesterday. One is a new thing that was announced by the messenger application on his BlackBerry, BlackBerry Messenger.

In the next update, BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) Android will support the Android Wear or Wearable Device. This means, every user who uses smartwatch or other wearable devices would be faster to communicate using fuel without having to look at their own smartphone.

In addition to an update on Android support Wear, starting today (March 3, 2015) BBM PIN can make your own (Custom PIN). Any user who has upgraded to the latest version of Blackberry Messenger will be able to make a 6-8 digit combination of letters and numbers for PIN free. In order to create a custom PIN, each user will cost ranging from $ 1.99 for each month.

Minggu, 08 Februari 2015

Nature Men Can Predictable of Breast Favorites

It is said that the first body part that is seen men from women is breast. According to experts, interest of men in the breast is based on biological grounds, where he uses the breast as a way to choose the right partner.

Men are the only mammals who are interested in the breasts in a sexual context. A woman's breasts are also used as a means to establish entanglement between husband and wife, as well as the bond that exists in the mother and her child.

Interestingly, when we talk about male breast obsession, actually it's not simply a matter of biology. From there we can also see the characteristics or personality of the man, as well as the following.

1. Men stubborn like big breasts
This is evidenced in experiments conducted in Poland. 128 men were asked to rate 15 breast images of various sizes and three viewpoints, namely front, oblique and side. Researchers also use the measurement scale SOI-R (Revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory) to determine the tendency of men in relationships.

"Big breasts are considered more attractive by men who score high SOI-R. That is, men who tend to engage in short-term relationships and have a low commitment in a relationship are more interested in large breast than men who tend to engage in long-term relationships and more committed.

2. Men sexist select large breasts
Treatment of men to women in the community can also affect breast size preferred. Turns out they were sexist or despise women tend to say a big breasted women more attractive than small breasts. According to them, these women also seem weak and submissive.

3. Want a faithful wife, men choose women with small breasts
Most men think that the obedient wife and not dominate tend to be loyal. And according to them, this is reflected in women with breast size ketch. You also feel wives small breasts tend to be difficult to compete with other women with large breasts, so he is more loyal to you. It could also be because the first woman you love small chested, this will be a guide for you to choose a spouse at a later date.

4. The attention-seeking wife likes big breasts
Men who choose large breasted women as wives usually tend to like to show off or find attention in front of his friends. He likes to be the center of attention. Moreover, women with large breasts is also synonymous with a view 'Playboy', so he wanted people think of it as a man who can get a pair with ease.

5. Men established like small breasts
It is said that the amount of income can affect a man likes a woman's breast size. Do not get me wrong, the man who has a stable financial condition or established actually prefer small-chested women. Allegedly a rich man and had a lot of resources does not need a partner who has excess fat reserves in the breasts. While male unemployment, had no fixed or underpaid jobs tend to think otherwise.

6. Be ready to be a father, a man choose a large chest
Men who are ready to have children or be a father prefers large breasts partner for reproductive reasons. Because men think women with large breasts gives a signal that they have the capacity and good ability to give birth and raise children.

Masturbation Hygienic Can Do While Bathing

During do not interfere with daily activities and, masturbation legitimate done. Moreover, it is said masturbation can relieve stress and eliminate fatigue after a day of activities.

One of the places recommended sexologists to masturbate is in the bathroom, or when cleaning the body. But pay attention, keep when trying to masturbate. Without adequate hygiene, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) can get into the vagina while masturbating done.

If you are sure all the net, tips and tricks to masturbate in the bath for the following women:

1. 'Playing' with temperature
To begin with warm water shower. Then make sure the intimate parts affixed to the cold wall, while providing sensual touches to the body. Let your clitoris responded cold sensation of cold and warm water splash interchangeably.

2. Start stimulate
When using a bath tub in the bath, sitting lean on the side of the tub, and prepared from silicone lubricant. "Apply a lot more than you normally wear, then press the lips of your vagina with five fingers that had been smeared lube before, and pull up as much as 1-2 inches and then lower, add the fingers serve to increase the speed of stimulation, adjust with increasing libido .

3. Find a sex toy
Do not buy a regular dildo, but that there was some sort of hook look behind (suction cup), so it can be mounted on a wall or on the surface of the tub. "You can set your own angle, height and rhythm and depth when used according to your needs. In addition dildo, can also use a vibrator. Just make sex toys waterproof selected and used in accordance with the lubricant.

4. Maximize thumb
Another recommended way is to optimize the thumb. Apply lubricant on it and turn on the sex organs, while let the water fall onto the nipples and clitoris. "Shallow penetration of this kind could be that your body needs in order that the higher your passion.

5. Read erotic story
"You can look it up on the internet or accidentally bought a book containing stories erotic smell and read before the bath, after the mood for masturbation began to appear, busy themselves with tricks before.

Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Explain Spontaneous Erections in The Morning

For men, an erection is not always associated with lust. In the morning, erection can occur spontaneously without any sexual stimulation. Be thankful for, but not infrequently also complained therefore difficult to pee.

Indeed, in a state of male erectile tend difficulty urinating due to bladder channel narrows. Whereas in the morning, the bladder is generally in a state of full and urgent to be emptied. What can I say, the men sometimes have to wait for the erection to subside.
Various causes spontaneous erections in the morning is as follows.

1. The sign is still 'normal'
If a man does not or rarely experience spontaneous erections in the morning, then there is a need to watch the reproductive system. Various studies have linked these conditions with the risk of erectile dysfunction or more popular with the term impotence.

Spontaneous erections in the morning can also be used to estimate the causes of erectile dysfunction. If a man hard erection during intercourse with a partner, but still get an erection in the morning, chances are the problem is on the psychological side. It could be due to stress, it could be due to inferior or intimidated by the couple.

2. Mechanism prevent bedwetting
Aka pee wetting often occurs during sleep as a child. When male puberty, is increasingly rare occurrence. Ever thought that these changes are related to the erection in the morning?

One theory, morning erections occur because the bladder in full condition. As a result, the nervous system in the spine under pressure. Activity on one of the nerves causing increased blood flow to the penis, causing an erection. Automatic when erect, urinary tract narrowed so that the smaller the risk of bedwetting

3. Part of the dream phase
In fact, spontaneous erections do not occur only in the morning. Throughout the night, penile erections without realizing it. Each of which lasted between 25-35 minutes. Scientists say, this condition occurs due to changes in the dream phase to the REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

4. erotic dream
Although largely due to other causes, it is not possible fraction of spontaneous erections linked with erotic fantasies. This occurs when a wet dream. Ejaculation that occurs when wet dream preceded with an erection, which could have occurred shortly before waking up for some reason.

5. It will disappear by itself
Generally, there is nothing to worry about when experiencing spontaneous erections in the morning. This condition will go away by itself within 20-30 minutes, or can be accelerated by performing physical activities such as making the bed, if it was in a hurry. After that, the penis can be used to urinate smoothly.

Conversely, a man actually having to worry if never experienced spontaneous erections in the morning.

Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

It Causes Car Brake Blong

Brake failure is one of the biggest causes of accidents in addition to driver drowsiness and other causes. Therefore, knowing the cause of the malfunctioning brakes must be done.

Such events, can be prevented. Way too easy.

The causes vary, ranging from brake fluid runs out (in passenger vehicles), to canvas and piston brakes are broken, then what is the cause brake failure? there are four main causes.
First pistons and brake pads have worn out due to aging. As a result, no grip brake again when used. Therefore, it is advisable to perform a second inspection of components that after the car a distance of 10,000 kilometers.

Second, brake fluid hose is clogged. Generally, using a passenger car braking system with brake fluid pressure of the fluid in the braking mechanism. Therefore, the condition of the brake fluid and oil hoses are small very important to note

Often uncapped tube brake fluid can cause dirt into the dirt can clog the tube and hose. Consequently braking function does not function properly.

Another cause is, the master piston seal wear. There are a number of causes other than age, the quality of brake fluid that is not good because it was stale or as contaminated as a result of frequent unscrew the oil tube.

It is therefore recommended to drain and replace the brake fluid every every six months or once a year maximum.

The third addition to that, the temperature factors also affect the quality of the brake fluid. The oil has been changed from the conditions which should greatly affect the braking power press when done.

Weight Loss Can Start of Bathroom

Exercise regularly and measured, as well as proper nutrition is a key condition for success in an attempt to lose weight. If it is fulfilled, then other means should be done to optimize the effort.

Shower with cold water can be called to help slimming. In a book entitled 'Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Uncoupling Is Associated With Cold Induced Adaptive Thermogenesis', adjustment of body temperature in the bath can affect changes in fat metabolism.

Some steps that can be done to optimize fat burning from the bathroom is as follows, summarized from Livestrong, Monday (01/26/2015).

1. Start with warm water
Adjust the water temperature to be used for bathing. Could begin with warm water if you like, to finish the ritual clean body. This step is necessary so that the body is not surprised by the sudden temperature cold.

2. Slowly, cool water
Slowly, begin to cool the temperature of water used for bathing. If using a shower, put in the middle between the hot and cold. Began to feel cold, but still cold, refreshing. Let your body adjust to changes in temperature.

3. More cool again
If earlier still in the cold and heat, now begin to regulate the temperature of the water in order to really feel the cold. Let the cold water flow through the body for 30-60 seconds, so that the body is ready to start burning fat tissue.

4. Refrigerate up to a maximum
Prepare yourself for the coldest temperatures. In the early days, the chill will be felt bite but is a point that is to be expected. Let the body is under the splash of cold water. Shoulders, neck, and the back is where the majority of brown fat (brown fat) buried.

5. Allow the body to adapt
For 30 seconds, your body will adapt so as not to feel cold again. Most probably will begin to enjoy, but if not stronger sure to last for at least 30 seconds to be able to feel the difference.

6. Repeat 2-3 times a day
To obtain a more optimal fat burning, repeat the ritual bath of cold water 2-3 times a day. It only took a little portion of brown fat to get a significant impact on the metabolism. But certainly, do not leave the diet and exercise.

Health Problems Can Be Seen from Butt Conditions

Almost all women crave big ass. Moreover, it seems men are crazy about a woman with a butt like this. But this is not just a matter of appearance, because in fact it could be an indicator ass person's health condition. Indicator of what is meant? following his presentation

1. Diabetes and heart health
Buttocks, thighs and hips are large is an indicator of good health because they are able to ensnare fatty acids and protects the body from various health problems.
However, in women, this was reinforced by the ownership of the hormone estrogen. That is why women are less frequently affected by a heart attack, not because of the protection of this hormone. "But when they enter menopause and hormones changing composition, fat tends to accumulate in their bodies and encourage the emergence of the risk of diabetes and heart disease, as well as men,".

2. Piles
If you ever see a trickle of blood during bowel movements or painful when sitting for a long time, this could be due to the blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum you swell and become inflamed, or commonly referred to as hemorrhoids (piles). Fortunately, this condition is found in people aged 50 years. Usually triggered by constipation and straining too hard during bowel movements. This means you eat less fiber, obesity or overweight.

3. Folliculitis
Folliculitis is not a strange skin disease. Just looks like acne, but there is no 'rice' at the end and it is on the buttocks and upper thighs, although it can be found in other body parts. The cause may be due to bacterial or fungal infection of clothing and sensitive skin.

4. The strength of back and leg muscles
Ass that looks slump could be a sign of the core muscles (core muscle) are weak. Pilates expert from New York, Erika Bloom reveals the back part in helping to stabilize the spine. But when they are weakened, then this will change the shape of the back to the buttocks of a person.

Likewise, when the hips appear thicker. The problem can be traced from the foot, because the weak leg muscles resulting in femur becomes prominent, and thus also appear thicker hips.

Note Expression Couple First Night Not To Make Trauma

Newlyweds are certainly expecting her first night ended satisfactory to both parties, both wife and husband. But not a few couples who actually traumatized after the first night.

Trauma is often the case in the new bride who does not have information about sexual education that is enough. As a result, one of the pair will be afraid or refuse if asked to have sex at a later date.

Trauma can be short-term trauma, it could be a long-term trauma. Short-term trauma usually resolved when couples have sexual openness, so that communication about intimate relationships can walk without feeling awkward.

But if couples equally uninformed as well not have good communication, that trauma is happening could be lengthy.

Should indeed couples who want to get married first counseling. So getting the right information at the same sexual sexual communication training. Sexual communication is important to know the wishes of each pair, so do not cause misunderstanding especially trauma.

However, if the couple is too shy to express it, one of the parties must be able to capture what they want through its communication partner non-verbal. The husband should be able to pay attention to facial expressions and gestures of his wife, and vice versa.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

Starbucks Switch to be a Technology Company?

Starbucks seems to want to turn away from the coffee retailer into technology companies. There is a possibility Starbucks will appoint a new boss.

This coffee shop franchise has just recruited a veteran technology to become the new director of operations. He is the former CEO of Juniper Networks simultaneously executives at Microsoft also IBM, Kevin Johnson.

This indicates the seriousness to be a giant Starbucks mobile payment iPay can compete with Apple, PayPal, Google Wallet, and Square.

As quoted by CNN, Sunday (25/01/2015), in a conference call with the analysts, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz praised Johnson's experience in the mobile and digital industry.

In fact, the word 'mobile' is pronounced as much as 34 times in the event, the amount equal to the word 'coffee' he says.

Recruitment Johnson is predicted to be the first step Starbucks to choose a new CEO. The news about the fall of Schultz of Starbucks leadership seats have been circulating in the market participants.

Director of Operations at Starbucks before, Troy Alstead, intends to take a sabbatical. Alstead is the old man who predicted to replace Schultz led Starbucks.

When Schultz left the company in 2000, Starbucks experiencing difficult times with poor financial performance. Until 2008, Schultz returned to the company and to improve the situation.

Therefore, it is important for Starbucks to have a capable leader who could replace Schultz after he retires.

Keeping Skin Tight Fixed and Free Acne, Use Ice Cubes

Oily and large pores can trigger acne. To take care of her just use ice cubes. The coldness of ice cubes can make pores smaller. This can help the face look more fresh. Facial treatments with a simple way of making effective use of new ice face fresh and toned skin.

1. Shrink pores
Ice cubes can help ecilkan clicking facial pores. Gently massage the face with ice cubes, it helps tighten the skin so the pores will shrink. Try this method twice a week and see the changes.

2. Reduce Acne
Ice cubes can help shrink the pores on the skin so as to reduce the appearance of acne. Before cleaning the face, rinse your face with warm water to open the pores. After that clean the face and rinse with water or iced to close the pores so that the face remains clean.

3. Overcoming sunburn
When the face is exposed to sunlight often look red and feel hot. Overcome this situation with ice cubes. Put a small box-shaped ice cubes in a clean cloth and tap-tap on the face to make the face feel cooler.

4. Prevent Aging
In addition to lots of eating healthy foods, ice cubes can also prevent aging embantu m. Facial with ice cubes can improve blood circulation in the face while. Every now and then a massage to facilitate the circulation and prevent wrinkles.

Ovarian Cancer is Often Not Detected

Ovarian cancer or ovarian cancer is one of the most vicious cancer that strikes women. In fact, experts say that the mortality of ovarian cancer patients is very high, reaching 69 percent.

Dr. Sven MAHNER, Associate Professor for Gynecologic Oncology at the University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf, Germany, said that one of the reasons why so deadly ovarian cancer patients is much too late to get treatment. This is difficult because early detection of ovarian cancer. If one would expect tumors were detected in the ovaries, you should immediately do the operation. Dr. Sven explains that many studies that prove that people with ovarian cancer have a life expectancy higher if treatment is done early.

In stage I, the life expectancy of patients within the next 5 years up to 98 percent. This is different from when diiidap ovarian cancer patients has grown and reached stage 4. Life expectancy also fell dramatically to the remaining 20 percent.

"This is due to the spread of cancer cells, no longer only in the ovary (ovarian). If you still have stage I cancer cells only in the ovaries and can be treated by removal of the ovaries. In stage II usually cancer cells have spread to the pelvis, stage III to abdominal and stage IV was out of the abdomen. Obviously, the treatment is more difficult, "he said.

Negative Effects Stress Can interfere Sexual Function

The burden of work, family responsibilities, and social relations problems are examples of things that are a common source of stress a person. In various studies, this stress has been a lot of evidenced associated with health problems including in of whom sexual problems.

Start of eliminating passion to more serious problems such as infertility, here are the effects that can be caused by stress on a person's sexual life.

1. Passion Down
Even mild stress can affect a person's sexual arousal. According to a study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior, stress hormone cortisol can inhibit the function of testosterone in charge increase sex drive in men. With low testosterone levels normal person would be more reluctant to engage in sexual activity or take a longer time to 'heat up' passion.

2. Reduce Satisfaction
In women too long to feel the stress can affect more than the decrease arousal. The hormone oxytocin which makes sense of fun while doing activities such as foreplay before sex can be reduced due to stress as evidenced by a study in the journal Hormones and Behavior. The hormone oxytocin is reduced to make women become not feel that stimulate pleasure when doing activities such as hugging or kissing. This can lead to sexual experience less enjoyable.

3. Hard Orgasm
When the levels of the hormone oxytocin is down due to stress and sexual pleasure also reduced, the body becomes relaxed during intercourse. The body is not relaxed to make women become more difficult to enjoy sex so hard orgasm felt. Researchers say this may be the reason why many women fake orgasm when he was in no mood to make love.

4. Reduce the fertility of women
Stress hormones have a severe impact on a woman's reproductive cycle. Pituitary gland that regulates other important glands such as the thyroid, adrenals, and ovaries can be affected by stress hormones to make the menstrual cycle becomes irregular. Because menstruation messy or even stop, the fertile period becomes difficult to estimate and pregnancy was too difficult to achieve.

5. Reduce the quality of sperm
The study, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility showed that stress can increase the likelihood that a low concentration of sperm in each ejaculation. In addition to the low numbers, the sperm of men who stress also found it easier to die. Researchers say there are two possible causes. Firstly stress triggers the production of glucocorticoids hormones that suppress testosterone and lead to reduced sperm production. The second possibility is a stress hormone causes what is called oxidative stress also affects the poor quality of semen and fertility.